Knitting Abbreviations

Knitting Abbreviations

Useful Knitting Abbreviations

Below you can find the most common knitting abbreviations.

They are used in knitting in order to save time while writing a pattern.

I personally prefer to make my knitting instructions as easy as possible for you to follow so I usually use the most important ones.


Abbreviations Description
alt alternate
approx approximately
beg beginning
bet between
BO bind off
byo backward yarn over
CC contrasting color
cn cable needle
CO cast on
cont continue
dec decrease
dpn double-pointed needles
foll follow
inc increase
k knit
k1B knit stitch in row below
kfb knit 1 into front and back of a stitch; single knit increase
k2tog knit 2 stitches together; single right-leaning decrease
kwise knitwise
LH left hand
lp loop
m marker
M1R make one right; single right-leaning knit increase

Insert the left needle under the strand between two stitches from back to front, pick it up, and knit it off the needle.

M1L make one left; single left-leaning knit increase

Insert the left needle under the strand between two stitches from front to back, pick it up, and knit it off the needle through the back loop

M1rp make one right purlwise; single right-leaning purl increase

Insert the left needle under the strand between two stitches from back to front, pick it up, and purl it off the needle

M1lp make one left purlwise; single left-leaning purl increase

Insert the left needle under the strand between two stitches from front to back, pick it up, and purl it off the needle through the back loop

MC main color
p purl
pat or patt pattern
pfb  purl 1 into front and back of a stitch; single purl increase
pm  place marker
p2tog purl 2 stitches together; single decrease
prev previous
psso pass slipped stitch over
p2sso pass 2 slipped stitches over
pwise purlwise
rem remaining
rep repeat
rev St st  reverse stockinette stitch
RH right hand
rnd round
RS right side
SKP slip 1 knitwise, knit 1
pass slip stitch over knit stitch; single left-leaning decrease
SK2P slip 1 knitwise,
knit 2 together
pass slip stitch over knit 2 together; double left-leaning decrease
sl slip
sl1k slip 1 knitwise
sl1p slip 1 purlwise
sl st slip stitch
sm slip marker
ssk slip 2 stitches knitwise,
knit these 2 stitches together through back loops; single left-leaning  decrease
ssp slip 2 stitches knitwise,
return these 2 stitches to left needle
purl them together through back loops; single left-leaning decrease
sssk slip 3 stitches knitwise,
knit these 3 stitches together through back loops;double left-leaning decrease
sssp slip 3 stitches knitwise,
return these 3 stitches to left needle
purl these 3 stitches together through back loops; double left-leaning decrease
S2KP2 slip 2 stitches as if to knit 2 together, knit 1,
pass 2 slipped stitches over knit stitch; centered double decrease
st stitch
St st stockinette stitch
tbl through back loop
tfl through front loop
tog together
WS  wrong side
w&t wrap and turn
wyib with yarn in back
wyif with yarn in front
yb yarn back
yfwd or yf yarn forward
yo yarn over
yon yarn over needle
yrn yarn round needle


Terms & Common Measurements


Term Description
* * repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed
or repeat at specified locations
{ } work instructions within brackets as many times as directed
[ ]  work instructions within brackets as many times as directed
( ) work instructions within parentheses as many times as directed
or work a group of stitches all in the same stitch or space


Measurement Description
” or in inch
cm centimeter
gr gram
m meter
mm millimeter
oz   ounce
yd yard


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